So I just adore Hanna Andersson clothes but I hate paying shipping. That is why I was so happy to find this new FREE shipping offer and same sales going on too! There is no code to enter for free shipping just shop through my link and your free shipping will be automatically applied. These playdresses are so sweet and on sale for just $28.
The Journey’s End jackets are also a favorite at our home. The sizing is generous on these jackets and they always last us 2 or 3 years per child which makes the price a little more of a bargain. They are great quality too and look brand new when I hand them down to my youngest.
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roclafamilia says
Helpful blog, bookmarked the website with hopes to read more!
admin says
Just wanted to say Hi and that I am glad you like the website. Things have been slow here with my vacation but you will start seeing lots more bargain posts. Just a reminder that you can get daily updates via e-mail or like my page on facebook and get updates that way too! Thanks for reading!!