One easy way to save a bunch of money at the grocery store is to watch sale cycles on items you consistently buy and stock up when items are marked down. People complain that saving money at the grocery store is too much work. However with just a little bit of planning you can save a ton of money.
Let me give you an example, my family likes Kroger sliced cheese. We could slice it ourselves and possible save more but I have chosen some convienence in this case.
The regular store price is $3.59 per pack. However about every 4 weeks it goes on sale. Sometimes for a week and sometimes for a few weeks. Right now it is on sale for $1.79 a pack as long as you have a Kroger card. That is savings of $1.80 a pack.
I know that we go through on average two packs a week of sliced cheese. So when I see it on sale, I pick up 8 packages to make it to the next sale. If I go to the store next week and see that it is still on sale. I pick up 2 more packages to replenish the ones we used that week.
In order to see my annual savings for the year, I am going to do a few calculations. Since we use two packages a week that means in a year we use 104 packages of cheese. If we paid full price for that cheese, the cost would be $373.36. If I buy them all on sale, I pay just $186.16. That is a savings of $187.20 just on one item that I buy!!!!!
Imagine the savings when you multiply this buying on sale and stockpiling strategy across all the items you buy at the grocery store. Think of the money you can save just buy making simple changes without even cutting a single coupon. Savings money at the grocery store doesn’t need to be hard or take hours of your time.
Now if you are ready to make the next step and print some coupons or cut them out from the newspaper and plan your shopping trip you can save even more.
Let’s go back to our sliced cheese example. Some week’s Kroger runs a mega deal sale where when you buy 10 items you get money off each item. You can stack these savings with a coupon for your best deals.
Here is an example
$2.39 Sargento Natural Cheese Slices, including Ultra Thin
-$0.40 on each when you mix/match 10 participating items
-$0.50/1 Slices coupon (from 4-15 SS) or $1.00/1 printable (Facebook)
$0.99 after coupon
I did this deal in addition to buying the Kroger sliced cheese and I was able to save another $.80 from the Kroger sliced cheese sale price. However there is a limit to how many coupons I can print (usually two per computer). This is a little more work but for me the additional savings are worth it. This is a choice though you need to make for your family.
I am teaching more easy tips and tricks on how to save at the grocery store with my Grocery Savings classes.
Be sure to sign up for a Grocery Savings Class near you today!!!
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