Don’t forget the man in your life this Valentine’s Day! These Small Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him are not only thoughtful, but they’re unique and fun as well.

It’s time to break the mold this Valentine’s Day and check out some other options for Valentine’s gifts as well. Small gifts can be great gifts, too!

Remember that bigger isn’t always better! These small gifts for him just might be some of the best gifts he’s ever going to receive.

CAPSULE LETTER MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE It’s a bottle full of capsule pills that you can write an individual message on each little piece of paper inside.

DRIVE SAFE KEYCHAIN When you love someone, you want them to do everything in their power to stay as safe as possible at all times.

PERSONALIZED MAN BRACELET You’ve probably heard of birthstone rings for women that showcase family birthdays but this man bracelet for men highlights all the family names and does a great job of added a manly style that they can wear, too.

I LOVE YOU BECAUSE MINI NOTEBOOK Why stop with just one way of telling him how much you love him? This mini notebook gives you a ton of pages so you can write out every single reason!

BEARD OIL If your man has a beard, this is a great gift idea. It not only helps them smell great but it helps them take care of that rough beard hair, too.