Are you looking for easy ways to save money this year? Spending less on what you what you have to buy can give your more money to spend on what you want. If you’re hoping to save a lot of money over the course of a year, here are a few of the best ways you can save a little here and there so it adds up. It can easily add up to $1000 or more. Plus many of these will help you save money fast. You could use this money to pay down debt, fund your retirement or go on a great vacation. Check out these 10 easy ways to save money that will a little in order to save up a lot.
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10 Easy Ways to Save Money This Year
1. Drop the Cable
Cable and satellite television costs can get pretty high and if you don’t watch much, it isn’t worth the expense. Ditch the cable and opt for cheaper alternatives to home entertainment. Some cheaper options include Netflix, Hulu, Roku and renting from Redbox. For free DVD’s, browse your local library’s collection. Dropping cable can save you at a minimum $80 a month. That is $960 for the year! If you don’t want to drop cable, at least call and negotiate your rate down. If you say you are canceling, you will get the customer service agent that will give you the best deal. Here are more ways to save on entertainment.
2. Shop Around For Insurance
Are you sure you’re getting the best price on your insurance policies? Make a few phone calls to get estimates from other companies to see if you can get a better price. You may also try calling your agent and asking for a better deal. Make sure they know you are shopping around and they may be able to work up a better price for you. I did this a few years ago and saved over $250 a month!! This may be extreme but at a minimum, you probably save $50 a month. That is a $600 savings annually!
3. Reduce Your Home Heating Costs.
Did you know that the average cost of heating a 70-degree home is $986 and that over 40% of Americans’ energy bills go towards home heating? One easy way to save on home heating is to lower that thermostat and get a space heater. Each one-degree drop can reduce your energy bill by 1-3 percent. We recently received a De’Longhi Slim Style Panel Heater and it has helped us lower our thermostat and save money. It retails for just $149 you can save that quickly by lowering your thermostat and using this space heater. You can purchase it online and right now they even have free shipping! The eco-function capability saves energy for cost savings on your energy bill while keeping everyone comfortable. You can read more about our experience saving on home heating here.
Save on Groceries
4. Plan Your Meals
Don’t go grocery shopping without a plan. This will result in spending too much money while bringing home the things you don’t need and forgetting the things you do need. Make out a menu for each week and write a shopping list based upon what you need for each week’s meals.
5. Grocery Shop Weekly
With your menu and meal plan in hand, make weekly shopping trips. Only buy the food you need for the week or strategically stockpile in order to save money and make good use of every item you buy. Learn more easy ways to save on groceries here. This is more than just coupons. It is changing your grocery shopping habits. Depending on your original grocery bill this can easily save you a minimum of $100 a month. For many families using these tips can save you $200 a month or more! That is a savings of $1200 to $2400 a year!!!!!
6. Pay Bills Online or in Person
You can save the cost of stamps (which can add up over the course of a year) by paying all of your bills online or in person instead of mailing them. This isn’t a huge savings but it adds up!
7. Have a Plan When You Purchase Clothing
Clothing is one area where many people bust their budget. You want to look nice and on trend so you buy a few pieces here and there all year long. If you add up all the clothing, shoes and accessories you purchased throughout the year, the number can often be much bigger than you realized. However, somehow you still look in your closet and think “I don’t have a thing to wear.” You can solve this by mixing and matching what you already have and maybe just adding a few pieces throughout the year to update a little. Being strategic in the clothing you purchase and having a plan can save you hundreds of dollars. Each month, we try to help inspire women to mix and match clothing and come up with 15 outfits with just 15 pieces or less including shoes and accessories. See our mix and match capsule wardrobes here.
8. Buy Used
Shop regularly at thrift stores and resale shops for used items instead of buying new. Clothing and vehicles, especially, can bring a huge savings if you buy used.
9. Buy Bulk
Shop at bulk stores in order to save on items you use regularly. Items like toilet paper, diapers, deodorant, and other hygiene items will bring you a large savings when bought at bulk stores. Did you know that you can even buy in bulk from Amazon and have these items delivered right to your doorstep? This works especially well for toilet paper and diapers! I also love it for snacks and lunch box items. Not only does this save you money it saves you the hassle of going to the store. Plus if you are anything like me you sometimes through in just a few more items in your cart when you shop at Target. If you don’t want to buy in bulk but want items delivered to you, prime pantry is a great option.
10. Price Matching
Don’t be afraid to ask for a better price for goods and services you pay for. Whether yofu are buying tires, eating out, or having your oil changed, it can’t hurt to ask if you there is any discount available or if you can get a better price on what you are paying for.
Take a look at everything you do for easy ways to save money– from buying groceries and clothing to heating your home — and see how much you can save. Every little bit adds up!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of DELONGHI. The opinions and text are all mine.
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