The very busy holiday season is almost here. By tackling these easy tasks in October, it will help reduce your stress in November and December. This is the month to focus on getting ready for guests and fun holiday gatherings. Most of these tasks can be done in 15 minutes or less but have a huge impact. Head into the holidays feeling confident that you are well prepared. Be sure to check out all 12 months of cleaning and organizing.

Take it one small task at a time throughout the year with our series and you can tackle it all easily! We want to help you clean and organize your home the way that works best for you!
Most tasks should take 15 – 30 minutes. If it works for you do each task on the corresponding date, if not just use it as a list of tasks, some days you may get more than one done. You may wish to take off the weekend and double up on weekdays or vice versa. I want you to be successful so do what works best for you. We only gave you 28 tasks this month so you can catch up if need be.
Sign up to get your free Clean and Organize List for Every Month This Year
Be sure to see the full list and helpful hints below the printable sign up!
To help keep your home clean and smelling great, you may want to check out this special offer from Grove Collective.
Get Your FREE Mrs. Meyer’s Cleaning Set with a $29 purchase, plus free shipping! The Mrs. Meyer’s hand soap, dish soap, and candle come in matching scents so you can fill your entire home with your favorite fall scent. Here are some of my favorite items from the Grove Collective:
- Mrs. Meyer’s Hand Soap
- Mrs. Meyer’s Dish Soap
- Mrs. Meyer’s Multi-Surface Cleaner
- Grove Bubble Up Dish Brush Set
- Grove Walnut Scrubber Sponges
- Free Shipping & VIP Trial
I have all of these items and they are great quality and I use them daily.
When you sign up for Grove using my link, you’ll get the cleaning set for free with your first order of $29. There is no obligation to buy anything more and you can cancel at any time. I am hooked though and order every few months 🙂
It is so handy to have cleaning products come right to your doorstep and they make it easy to cancel auto shipments so you can just order whenever you want or you can easily cancel.
Getting Your Home Ready for The Holidays – Easy Daily Task List
- Sanitize the washer– In anticipation of holiday entertaining you will be washing all your stored linens, now is a good time to sanitize the washer and get rid of the smell that it gets over time. First, wipe out the fabric softener cup, scrub around the top of the drum, this is where a lot of hair, dirt, and soap residue builds up. Finally, run an empty cycle with 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup baking soda and hot water.
- Wipe off washer and dryer– Wipe down the top and front of washer and dryer with a hot soapy towel, clean lint trap out thoroughly. Use a toothbrush to clean around knobs. It is amazing how dirty these machines can get.
- Wash holiday linens – Once your washer is spic and span you can run your holiday linens through to freshen them up from storage. Wash on gentle cycle, hang to dry.
- Iron holiday linens- Finally, your linens are ready for a fresh pressing, after pressing them hang them on a hanger in a closet until you are ready to bring them out.
- Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures– Give those fans and lights a thorough dusting, change out bulbs that are blown, reverse the fan direction to maximize your energy efficiency during cooler weather.
- Dust blinds in main living areas– Flip them both ways and use a special blind tool or a feather duster to get rid of dust. Wipe out the window sill while you are there.
- Wash bedding in the guest room– Freshen up sheets and blankets with a quick wash and dry, spray curtains and carpet with fabric refresher. While you are washing flip and rotate the mattress if it hasn’t been done in awhile.
- Put together a basket for guests– Speaking of guests, create a basket with welcoming fall items to make them feel at home during their visit- a coffee mug, a fall candle, some hard candy, maybe a few travel-sized toiletries in case they forgot something.
- Wash crystal, china, or silver– Hand wash and dry your holiday dishes and get them ready to use for those wonderful holiday feasts.
- Wipe down doorknobs and light switches– Cold and flu season is right around the corner, combat it in often touched areas with a good antibacterial spray.
- Spruce up the entryway– Rotate a couple decorative items to give it a fresh new look, bringing in some fall elements to set the mood, and add a fall welcome mat outside and a throw rug inside.
- Clean out 1 kitchen cabinet– Pick a cabinet that you have noticed is getting neglected, get rid of unused kitchen items, wipe down the shelves and reorganize.
- Sanitize dishwasher– Clean out the filters, removing any food or debris. Run a hot empty cycle through with vinegar, then one with baking soda. Toss any kitchen sponges in there as well to freshen them.
- Clean off desk– Toss anything you don’t need, file important papers, and start a box or file for holiday shopping receipts
- Backup your computer hard drive– Finish transferring summer pics from your camera’s sd card to a cd or external drive. Don’t forget that if you have Amazon Prime, you have unlimited photo storage on their cloud. This is a great backup!
- Wipe off chairs in the dining room – pay close attention to spindles and rungs where dust and food bits tend to settle in.
- Touch up paint throughout your home– This is a great time to grab a small brush or roller and the leftover paint from storage. Do a walkthrough and touch up the scuffs and dings throughout.
- Wipe down all the baseboards in main living area– All you need is a hot soapy rag, or a magic eraser if it’s been a while. Do a room each day this week if you are short on time.
- Put away warm weather clothes– Those ones that you boxed up for storage last month, don’t forget to include mothballs and be sure to make sure the top is closed well.
- Clean off the top of the refrigerator – This is a hot spot where paperwork, bottles, and odd items end up. Clean it off and wipe it down with a rag. If you are feeling spunky go ahead and wipe out shelves in the door.
- Sort through medicine cabinet– Properly dispose of expired medicine. Take stock of what is needed-band aids, aspirin, etc. Stock up on cold medicines, tissues, etc. to stay ahead of cold season! You will thank me once your kids are sick and you have what you need on hand.
- Check fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors– Replace the batteries as needed and add small fire extinguishers to your list if needed.
- Clean your a/c’s condenser unit– Head outside and hose down the condenser, making sure it is free of leaves, sticks, and other debris.
- Sort through spices and seasonings – Baking season is here! Make sure all your spices and seasonings are fresh, toss any that are out of date and add them to your grocery list.
- Set your timer for 10 minutes and attack a clutter magnet spot – This is different for all of us, it might be the table at the entryway, the kitchen counter, dining room table, or a shelf.
- Give kids a cleaning task to help purge– Send the kids to their room with a bag and instructions to choose 10 items to toss or donate.
- Vacuum out and spot clean the couch– Pull off the cushions and vacuum out any crumbs that might have made their way into the couch abyss. Spot clean
- Snake drains, and septic tank maintenance– Snake hair out of shower drains, clear any clogs that might be starting out of the kitchen sink. If you have a septic system this is a good time to add it to your commode.
Getting your home ready for the holidays does not need to be hard when you tackle a few things each day throughout the month. It is amazing how just 15 minutes a day can make a HUGE impact! Don’t forget to sign up and we will email you free tasks lists for each month.
Be sure to check out more great info here to help with daily cleaning
- Simple Steps to Help Keep Your House Clean
- 15 minute Decluttering Challenge
- Routines to Help you Get Your Home Organized
- Get Organized with a Nightime Routine
Clean & Organize 2025
Need help getting your home clean & organized this year?
Sign up for the monthly printable with tasks to help you clean & organize in 2025!
Karen says
Hi! I am having trouble printing the checklist for getting ready for the holidays. I have no clue what I am doing wrong. Can you assist me in getting the printable, please? Thank you!
Melissa says
Did you sign up for the emails? The printables comes in an email. If you are still having trouble send me an email at and I will help.
Donna @ Modern on Monticello says
Thanks for all the tips. They will come in handy before the holidays. #HomeMattersParty